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Mani in alto
Developed and shared recommendations on application of national best practices 


This result consists in developing and sharing recommendations on measures fostering the application of identified national good practices on:

a) effective application of legislative measures against FGM;

b) effective medical data collection on FGM to measure prevalence;

c) support to victims, including asylum granting, and treatment of female perpetrators in the three countries involved in the project;

d) prevention strategies.

Recommendations have been developed through the establishment of working groups involving project experts and relevant stakeholders, including CSOs working on FGM. They have been conceived according to a two-fold approach, foreseeing both their implementation in the project partners’ countries and their dissemination, on a more general level, on other EU member states where specificities allow their applicability. Recommendations will constitute the ground for advocacy and will help detail the training and sensitisation activities.

The project will have a long-term impact in preventing and combating FGM, both through advocacy towards relevant institutions and through direct support to victims and/or women and girls at risk. It will be supported by the well established partners’ network at institutional and civil society level and at national and European level, which will stimulate further action and synergies in the field beyond the project’s end.
Increased awareness of relevant stakeholders at national and EU level on the needs to revise and/or implement policy, legislative and financial measures and procedures combating and preventing FGM 

Advocacy was conducted to present to key stakeholders at national and EU level recommendations on the revision and/or the implementation of policy, legislative and financial measures and procedures combating and preventing FGM.

This advocacy contributed to strengthening the political will to increase efficacy of the legal and policy framework both at national and the EU level.

Raised awareness among communities at risk of FGM and implemented programs targeted at providing treatment to perpetrators 


-Awareness raising campaigns conducted both through the wide dissemination of posters and leaflets sensitizing on legal, medical and protection systems, and through information sessions with a particular focus on mothers and their parental responsibility.

-Programs targeted at providing treatment to perpetrators implemented and shared.

-Informations sessions on rights and empowerment for women and girls at risk, including asylum seekers.

-Individual Counselling, Hosting and Treatment to female perpetrators.

Trained key professionals on FGM related issues and increased the effectiveness of referral systems


-Development of a common methodology for training key professionals.

-In each of the three countries, trainings were organised for key professionals.

-Open seminar for anti-violence women shelters and migrant women associations.

Contributed to enlarging the debate on FGM in a perspective of gender-based violence and promoting the autonomy of women

Thanks to the photographic exhibiton and the involvement of journalists and artists, the debate on FGM was enlarged and extended to a broader audience of stakeholders not exclusively linked to the political world of experts.

We are confident that the focus on the importance of the legal and policy aspects and the exchange of good practices will continue to bring benefits even after the end of this project and, indirectly, also to its final beneficiaries.
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