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Advocacy events at the national level

Advocacy events were organised in Italy, Belgium and France, the three countries covered by the project, and were specifically targeted to relevant institutions and key stakeholders at local, national and EU level. They were conducted to present to key stakeholders recommendations on the revision and/or the implementation of policy, legislative and financial measures and procedures combating and preventing FGM.  

Advocacy was targeted at:  

Revision/Reinforcement of legal instruments to foster their implementation and enforcement  
Reinforcement of prevention through awareness-raising and training to professionals dealing with FGM victims or potential victims;  
Development of programs targeted to support victims and treat female perpetrators;  
Implementation of policies and procedures for asylum granting on FGM grounds;  
Development and funding of training and awareness-raising programs for professionals working with women and girls at risk of FGM. 

Supporting the Fight against Female Genital Mutilation: Promoting Women’s Rights by Demanding the Full Enforcement of the Law
Brussels, 6 February 2019

The first National Advocacy meeting was held in Brussels, at the European Parliament, on the 6th of February 2019, on the occasion of the International Day for Zero Tolerance of FGM. During such event recommendations on how to tackle FGM at national and international level in Europe were discussed with national government and civil society representatives and international stakeholders. The different perspectives expressed during the event by the various stakeholders were considered and were included in the final recommendations document, according to a participative methodology.  

The event was also an opportunity to display the “Uncut” exhibition at the European Parliament in Brussels, to further sensitize and raise awareness on the issue among Member of EP, functionaries and other representatives of the EU institutions, being the EP a very popular and well-travelled area in Brussels.  

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Supporting the Fight against Female Genital Mutilation: Promoting Women’s Rights by Demanding the Full Enforcement of the Law
Rome, 8 March 2019

The second National Advocacy meeting was held in Rome, at Modern Art Museum “Mattatoio” on the 8th of March 2019, in the occasion of the celebration of International Women’s Day. As in Brussels, it was also the occasion to launch the photographic exhibition, which was hosted by Mattatoio from 9th to 30th of March.  
In preparation of this event, some sensitisations activities have been held during the current activity programming of NPWJ, and notably a sensitisation session held on 20th of February in a secondary school (Istituto Comprensivo Salvo d’Acquisto, Velletri (RM)) attended by more than 100 students. 

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Strengthening policies against FGM and cooperation between stakeholders
Paris, 12 July 2019

Senator Marta de Cidrac, in collaboration with No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) and the Women Safe Institute of Reproductive Health, organised a symposium in Paris, at Palais du Luxembourg on the 12th of July 2019

The event was the occasion to present, discuss and gather feedback on specific recommendations developed by the BEFORE project partners in the fight against FGM, in particular with regard to the following thematic measures and strategies: prevalence, prevention, protection and prosecution. 

Bringing together representatives of civil society, experts and institutional actors, the roundtable enabled a constructive dialogue on how to enhance the effectiveness of the political, legal and social response to FGM in the Member States of the European Union. 

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© 2020 - Non c’è pace senza giustizia «No Peace Without Justice».

This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of No Peace Without Justice and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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