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Information Tools 

Different tools were cretaed to raise awareness among different stakeholders, even in the long term. Take a look at them and learn more about different aspects of FGM: from what they are, to different resources available. 


What are FGM? What are the consequences? What's the prevalence of this practice around the world?


Learn more about this in the video produced by our partner La Palabre. 

Would you like to have an overview of the project, its activities and results?


Open our flyer by clicking here, and learn more about our fight against FGM!

Brochrue pic.png

If you, or someone you know, need protection or help, Italy guarantees free access to legal and healthcare support. 

Our Italian partner Differnza Donna prepred a multi-language flyer that can be distrubuted and shared to help women affected by, or at risk of, FGM find the support they need. 

You can find it here. 

Multilanguage flyer DD.png
Brochure DD Eng.png
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