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Final Event at the European Parliament 

On the occasion of Human Rights Day, No Peace Without Justice organised the final event of the BEFORE project, the virtual meeting “Fighting FGM in Europe. Increasing the impact of policies against Female Genital Mutilations”. Due to the current COVID-19 emergency the event was held online, and was co-hosted by MEPs Alessandra Moretti and Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana at the European Parliament in Brussels.


The conference presented the conclusions of the project “BEFORE” (Best practices to Empower women against Female genital mutilation, Operating for Rights and legal Efficacy), an initiative implemented by No Peace Without Justice (Italy), Differenza Donna (Italy), Women Safe - Institut de Santé Génésique (France) and La Palabre (Belgium), co-funded by the European Commission.


The meeting was live streameded and simultaneous interpretation was provided in Arabic, English, French and Italian.

The program of the virtual conference, with a complete list of speakers and contributors. 

Program 10 December.png

The flyer used to publicize the "Fighting FGM in Europe. Increasing the impact of policies against Female Genital Mutilations" conference.

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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of No Peace Without Justice and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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